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American Planning Association (APA) Information

About APA (American Planning Association)

The American Planning Association (APA) is nonprofit education and membership organization that brings together practitioners, planning officials, students and interested citizens onto a common platform for exchange of knowledge. Along with its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners, the APA is dedicated at advancing the art, science and profession of good planning – physical, economic and social – to create communities that offer better choices for where and how people work and live.

For more information about the APA, visit:

AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners)

AICP Certification is the only nationwide, independent verification of planners' qualifications. Earn the AICP Certification and colleagues and employers will know that you have the academic qualifications, relevant work experience, and mastery of essential skills required to serve your community effectively.


For more information about AICP, visit:

View the AICP presentation given to SPO by Stephanie Brown, APA IL here!


APA Student Membership

APA Offers Free Membership to Students in Accredited Planning Programs for one year. Enrollment for this free membership is conducted during the first month of every semester. To qualify for this membership you need to be at least a first-year graduate student or a third-year undergraduates planning student.

Joining APA is simple and free for students for the first year! Just stop by the DURP Office at Room 111 Temple Hoyne Buell and ask for an application. Once you have submitted your application and it has been processed, you will start to receive APA materials and enjoy the benefits of membership!


Every year there are several APA conferences to go to and SPO helps you get there! For more information on upcoming conferences click on the links below. Remember, that in order to sign up for APA conferences, you need to be a student member.

Future APA National Conferences:
2024: Minneapolis, MN

Future APA-IL State Conference Locations
2024: Champaign, IL 


APA Illinois Chapter Mentoring Program

The American Planning Association - Illinois Chapter (APA-IL) invites all Illinois planning students to participate in the APA-IL Mentoring Program. The program was created as a way for students to get in touch with practicing planners as they pursue academic studies, a planning degree and a fulfilling career. Interaction with a mentor may be an occasional meeting for coffee, a visit to their place of employment or correspondence via phone and email. The level of commitment is determined up front by the student and mentor. The goal, however, is to offer students access to the experience and insight of planners who have been there before. The American Planning Association is committed to the development of the next generation of planners and hopes that students will discover both fulfillment and opportunity from this Illinois Chapter sponsored program.

For more information, visit the APA-IL's Mentoring website.


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